Friday, March 4, 2011

Revealing sun


Every spring they surprise me. Those first bright sunrays. Spring, wait a moment, I am not ready for this yet!

It was one of those normal grey winter days and I was sitting in the train. Suddenly, bright sunlight appeared behind the clouds.

Warm feeling on my cheeks, the world was full of colours and instant energy wave swept over me. 

But wait a minute. My clothes looked fluffier and shabbier than ever. My skin was dry and pale. I felt like someone just woke me up and I wasn't willing to get up from my bed. My eyes opened after a long period of hybernation. 

But there is no way to escape those rays.
Something needs to change. 

It is time to get rid of old shabby stuff,
leave stagnating thoughts behind,
make some room for new ideas,
move on.

It is time for renewal!

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