Saturday, March 23, 2013

Power of visualization


Only few months ago I was walking in the hot and dirty streets of Mumbai and despite of all the wonderful people I had met, their hospitality and friendship, I was thinking: I miss my old life style in Europe, being truly understood by people around me, the fact I could dress up how I wish and put my lovely winter boots on.

This week, only few months later, I was walking back to my apartment in Helsinki, relieved I had finally found a job. The sun was shining and the air was pure and clean. It was a calm and silent day, so silent I could hear the clatter of by boots against the street; and I realised my secret though had once again become true. And how fast.

This is not the only wish that became true.

In India I was very lucky to have a local family and their wide social network that helped me with the various challenges I faced such as finding a place to live, social contacts and even a job. They took care of me as I was part of their family. One thing I loved about Indians was their sincere way of caring and giving without asking anything back. My time in Mumbai would have been more harsh and stressful without their help. Still, all this caring made me feel like an outsider in a way I could not expect. I started to think: what am I doing here, when my very own family is far away from me? How could I give something back? I started to feel homesick for the first time in my life, even though I had lived abroad before for years.

And, just two minths later I found myself back to my country after living six years abroad. I had always wanted to go to India for some mysterious reason. When I think about my experience now, perhaps I had to go there just to realize I want to go back to Finland, or to end up in Finland.

Visualization is a powerful tool that might determine your future were you concious about it or not. Things might not turn exactly the way you imagined or hoped, but your mind is determing the direction you are going, what you pay attention to and who you spend your time with.

When you think about your past, did you feel like having an ice-latte and suddenly found one just in the next corner? Did you imagine working abroad and soon later found yourself in an aeroplane? Did you get married in the church you always dreamed of? Did you encounter dangers and unconfortable situations because you were afraid of something?

Visualization is a powerful tool, be careful what you wish for!

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