Saturday, September 17, 2011

Gratefull also today

The original idea of this blog was to be more aware of the things in my life I am gratefull for and write them down every day. Ok, I wrote so many things down, but didn't succeed to do it every single day. Anyways, I just went through all the pages I had filled so far and I was surprised they were so many and there were some very funny reasons to be gretafull. There is always something positive in one's day. Some extracts: 

I am happy that...
  • I finally made that phone call
  • sun is shining
  • I called my parents
  • I am Healthy and in good shape
  • that I could read that boring report
  • that I feel something even if it is sadness
  • I can do that exam tomorrow, it is one step closer to the degree
  • I ate speculoos ice cream
  • I have wonderful friends
  • I could speak about my feelings
  • so many things are possible for me
  • this shitty day is almost over
  • tomorrow is a new day
  • I don't have to know everything now
  • I learned something new about him
  • I have everything I need

To be continued :)

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