Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Something positive about envy?

I have to write a few words about envy.

In general envy is considered a very negative feeling, one of the seven mortal sins. Envier compares himself with other people and has a feelings of lacking something another person has. This can lead to feeling of anger, hate, rage and vigious cycle of negative feelings. The sadest thing is that the envious person becomes unhappy and bitter only by his own thoughts, not beause of other people.

Nevertheless it is one of the primitive emotions and we all have it from time to time, some more, some less.

But I think envy can learn us something valuable about ourselves, if we listen to ourselves carefully and try to understand it.

I noticed a feeling of envy in me recently. I have been working hard on my studies and at the same time having a lack of motivation. Something is missing. I am searching for that drive. I want to find my purpose and do things with passion, be courageous, know exactly which way to go. Oh and then there are those people who do exactly that. They know exactly what they want. They paint, they sign, they travel, study law, it doesn't matter, they just know and they do it. I wish I had that!

There are two options: 
  1. I can concentrate on what I don't have and keep on suffering. Feel bitter and be unhappy with my life.
  2. Or, I can ask myself why do I feel like this? What am I afraid of? What am I lacking? And then do something about it. Action! 
Envy can be a positive feeling if we use it right. I chose the option two, and yes, deep inside me I already know what I want in my life I don't yet have. It is just a question of will, some guts and work.

And there is plenty for us every one. 

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